Niciun rezultat gasit
Man working with heavy machinery

Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings

Willy Naessens Industrial Bulidings este lider pe piata constructiilor de cladiri industriale, cu peste 10.000 de proiecte finalizate. Proiectele noastre sunt dezvoltate in conformitate cu cerintele tale. Willy Naessens se ocupa intern de toti pasii procesului de constructie. Vei beneficia de toate avantajele acestei integrari verticale


We believe in a sustainable future for everyone. It is essential for the long-term resilience and value of the Willy Naessens Group. This is why we have sharpened our ESG strategy and sustainability focus to remain the pioneers of our industry.

Our ESG approach

De ce sa construiesti cu noi?

Metode de lucru unice

Cand alegi sa lucrezi cu noi, “personalizat” nu este doar un slogan. De la primul contact cu noi pana la terminarea proiectului, cerintele tale sunt prioritatea noastra.
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Ani de experienta

Experti in orice domeniu isi aduna cunostintele si experienta si o impart cu tine.

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Integrare verticala

Avem propriul nostru departament de inginerie, propria noastra fabrica de prefabricate, etc. Totul este sub acelasi acoperis si sub acelasi standard de calitate.

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Experti in beton

Betonul prefabricat vine direct din fabrica noastra, iar asta inseamna doar avantaje pentru tine din punct de vedere al calitatii, pretului si programului. 

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Ce construim?

Cele mai importante proiecte

Descopera toate realizarile noastre


Esti interest de un job?

Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings este in cautare permanenta de oameni motivati care sa ne completeze echipa. Oameni care sunt pregatiti sa se inroleze in echipa noastra si sa lucreze alaturi de colegii lor pentru a duce la bun sfarsit proiectele

Descopera aici oportunitatile disponibile
Project in the spotlight: Ijscentrale 528

Project in the spotlight: Ijscentrale 528

By order of Ijscentrale 528 from Waregem, Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings is currently building a brand new factory, where the main focus is on limiting heat and cold loss.
Due to the limited surface area, work is done in height and verticalization is important.

Architect: Verschuere Vanmechelen

Willy Naessens Group is Company of the Year 2023!

Willy Naessens Group is Company of the Year 2023!

On Tuesday, Dec. 5, the Willy Naessens Group was awarded the title 'Company of the Year 2023'.

Acquisition Pool Conception

Acquisition Pool Conception

Willy Naessens Swimming Pools acquires Pool Conception, an acquisition that brings opportunity and change.

Vertical integration, the key to Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings's success

Vertical integration, the key to Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings's success

Willy Naessens Industrial Buildings breathes vertical integration. All the expertise needed to bring your building project to a successful conclusion is therefore present within the group.

60 years Willy Naessens Group

60 years Willy Naessens Group

60 years, a diamond jubilee. Time for the Willy Naessens Group to shine!

Ai planuri pentru o constructie?

Suntem bucurosi sa te ajutam, sa iti raspundem la toate intrebarile, de asemenea sa iti facem o estimare a costurilor. Contacteaza-ne si impreuna vom cauta o solutie pentru realizarea proiectului tau.. 
